Data Mining Analytics for Serdes | HSIO Validation

One-shot pass/fail validation testing wonโ€™t quantify the risk of faults on serdes and high-speed I/O (HSIO) buses, but data mining with statistical analytic tools will. In fact, youโ€™ll see how close the bus is relative to its eye mask and where those failures are just waiting to happen. Why risk the crashes, poor performance and dissatisfied users?

Plus, data mining with analytic tools saves time and money when youโ€™re on the clock for a new product introduction. Youโ€™ll discover which tests on which system configurations are most meaningful and which donโ€™t need to be run at all. So the product is ready when itโ€™s supposed to be.


  • Follow best practice ‘NxN’ methods
  • Predict likelihood of failures
  • Eliminate unnecessary tests in development and production
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