Embedded Boundary Scan for Defense Systems

ASSET was recently awarded a multi-year contract for embedding boundary-scan test technology within a military system design. This meets a requirement of greater than 92% structural test diagnostic accuracy in-system, and will save millions of dollars over the lifespan of the system.

ScanWorks Embedded Diagnostics (SED) JTAG technology for boundary-scan test will be used both in-situ and within benchtop field depot testers to ensure system combat readiness.

Read the entire press release here: High-End Defense System uses ScanWorks Embedded Diagnostics for In-Situ Boundary-Scan Test.

To learn more about what we call At-Scale Test (AST), please refer to the blog here. Although the article addresses Intel designs specifically, the general principles of embedding JTAG mastering functionality for boundary-scan test apply.

For some general information on JTAG/boundary-scan, refer to our tutorial (note: requires registration).