Memory Fault Insertion and Detection of Intel 4th Generation Core Family

Testing memories on Intel platforms can be a challenge. The normal options in production are structural tests using an ICT and/or functional tests leveraging the BIOS and POST codes. The problem with the ICT approach is that it may work for soldered-down memories, but not for DIMMs since those sockets are not populated at the ICT test stage. Another weakness of ICT is that it does not test the training sequence of the memory bus. This is a more functional-type test that must be successful before you can test the memories. A problem with using the BIOS is that itโ€™s function is to boot at all costs, so some memories might be disabled through that process, and the POST code diagnostics are very limited.

Memory-Fault-Insertion-and-Detection-on-Intel-4th-Gen-CoreCan these problems be solved? Yes, but a new approach is needed that leverages the Intel Memory Reference Code, along with a tool that uses the run-control capabilities of the processor. That combination can address the memory test problem for Intel platforms. Want to learn moreโ€ฆ

Our eBook describes a unique approach to solving the problem using a PC-based tool called ScanWorks Processor-Controlled Test. Memory faults are inserted into an Intel Customer Reference Board and diagnostics are displayed and explained. Leveraging an instrumented version of Intel Memory Reference Code built into the tool, faults are found quickly, greatly improving yields and aiding repair.  In functional testing, the failure data reported might need some interpretation due to the nature of memory bit swizzling. This is explained, making it possible to get to the root cause of a failure quickly and easily. Check out the eBook, Memory Fault Insertion and Detection of Intel 4th Generation Core Family.