Frost & Sullivan recognizes the user value of SourcePoint and ScanWorks

It’s not every day that a prestigious market research firm like Frost & Sullivan recognizes a company for its customer-oriented business strategies. But that’s what happened today when F&S announced that ASSET had received one of its coveted Customer Value Leadership Awards in the Printed Circuit Board Design Validation and Test segment of the industry.

What earned SourcePoint and ScanWorks this recognition is the tremendous user value our tools offer in terms of the visibility they deliver to software and hardware engineers. Awards like this are certainly gratifying to us as a company, but on a personal level they remind us of the great gratitude we have for our customers. We could not have won this or any of our previous honors without their suggestions and influence, inputs that we rely on to drive our strategic decisions.

The Frost & Sullivan news release announcing the award says it best: “Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents this award to the company that has demonstrated excellence in implementing strategies that proactively create value for its customers with a focus on improving the return on the investment that customers make in its services or products. The award recognizes the company's inordinate focus on enhancing the value that its customers receive, beyond simply good customer service, leading to improved customer retention and, ultimately, customer base expansion.”

Cover_image_w250Following extensive analysis of our competitors, Frost & Sullivan compiled an 11-page report that formed the basis for the award. Central to this report is a Decision Support Scorecard which compares the companies in our segment based on an analysis of Customer Impact and Business Impact. For example, Customer Impact involved an analysis of price/performance value, customer ownership experience and other factors. Business Impact included financial performance and growth potential among other factors. Companies were ranked on a scale of one through 10. With a score of 9.5 ASSET scored the highest in our segment and well above our closest competitor at 8.6. If you’d like to read the entire Frost & Sullivan report, click here.

The Frost & Sullivan report concluded that several aspects of ASSET’s technology strategy were essential to maximizing user value. These included:

  • The ability of users to deploy the SourcePoint software debug and trace platform on both Intel®- and ARM-based PCB designs, significantly enhancing ease-of-use across the enterprise.
  • The ability of ScanWorks and SourcePoint to address software/hardware integration issues.
  • The ability of ScanWorks and SourcePoint tools, as well as their debug, validation and test procedures, to be re-used throughout every phase of the life cycle of a chip, circuit board and system.

Of course, honors such as this are always exciting, but they’re also humbling. Only we know the hard work and dedication it took to earn this recognition. Rest assured that those characteristics will never go out of style at ASSET InterTech.