Defect Coverage | Non-intrusive Board Test eBook

Defect_Coverage_Non-Intrusive_Board_TestThink about it. Test without touching a single bus with probles. Test without expensive fixtures. Soft access through existing board connectors and JTAG ports to create virtual, re-programmable test points. Wherever you want them. Whenever you want them. Clearly, 'mechanical test' is the way of the past and a software-driven approach is the future. But it's here and now. 

This is non-intrusive board test, or NBT, becuase it really does not contaminate your tests results in any physical way. And that is important as speed continues to increase and physical access goes away. Instead, non-intrusive test relies solely on a combination of embedded instrumentation, onboard test structures and tools that access the test object through software or 'soft access'.

Learn all about non-intrusive board test directly from Adam Ley, Chief Technologist at ASSET InterTech, provider of the soft access ScanWorks platform for board debug, validation and test, by registering for our eBook, "Defect Coverage | Non-intrusive Board Test eBook".