Catch Up on IJTAG with these Free Resources

If you're in any branch of the electronics test business, you've probably already heard of IJTAG.  Whether you are a chip designer looking for an easier, more consistent way of accessing the instruments you embed in your chips or a board test engineer looking for a way to re-use tests that were created upstream, you may have heard that IJTAG will make your job easier.  But the IEEE 1687 working group is still finalizing the draft of the standard, and maybe you don't want to join the working group or read through the evolving drafts.  Still, you'd like to know what is coming, wouldn't you?  Fortunately, there are already some resources that will teach you the basics without having to immerse yourself in the IEEE process. 

Al Crouch, vice chairman of the IEEE P1687 IJTAG working group, has written an e-book called "How to Use Embedded Instruments and IJTAG/JTAG".  Click the title to get the free tutorial.

You can also check the status of the IEEE P1687 working group by checking Standards Corner on the ASSET web site.  It is updated weekly if any significant change in status is reported.   

Standards Corner also has links to the IEEE grouper on P1687, as well as links to other articles, documents and slideshows on IJTAG and many other standards.