Faster firmware debug with Intel embedded trace capabilities discussed in new eBook

The complexity and sheer scope of today’s systems with their multiple processors, multiple cores and multi-threaded software can be challenging to developers who are debugging software and firmware. A new eBook by ASSET® InterTech (, the leading supplier of tools for embedded instrumentation, discusses how hardware-assisted debugging tools are able to tap into the embedded trace resources in Intel® processors to methodically and quickly track bugs through the interrelated web of software, firmware and hardware.

“These days, debugging the root causes of software malfunctions and failures inevitably involves investigation and experimentation well beyond the scope of debug exercises just a few short years ago,” said Larry Osborn, product manager at ASSET and author of the new eBook. “Depending on the trace features embedded in a particular Intel processor, developers can trace code execution problems beyond a particular piece of code to find bugs. In addition, some tools platforms can extend root cause determination considerably farther, even beyond code execution, by applying non-intrusive debug, validation and test tools that can quickly rule out possible bugs in the underlying hardware or related software modules.”

“Faster firmware debug with Intel embedded trace tools” is available now on the ASSET web site, here.

Other informative eBooks, white papers and videos on issues relating to chip, board and system debug, validation and test can be downloaded from our eResources

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