Accelerate your Xilinx Zynq-7000 designs with PFx

This guide will take the reader step by step through the setup and testing of the Xilinx Zynq-7000 ZedBoard using the ScanWorks PFx products. The ScanWorks PFx products include three distinct tools focused on design and test engineering production challenges when dealing with DDR tuning and test, fast flash programming and circuit board test. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. When investigating solutions for new design, a user guide can provide a picture that can bring additional clarity. This guide shows how to tune or test DDR memories, functionally test the circuit board without a bootloader or OS, and program flash at device speeds. All this capability is driven by the SoC using next generation embedded IP provided by ASSET.

Key Points:

  • DDR3 Tuning and Testing
  • Memory Testing with any one of nine interactive memory tests
  • At-speed Functional Testing on IO
  • Programming SPI or SD using Ethernet as a data pipe
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