SourcePoint AMD Help

Table of Contents

Viewpoint Window Introduction


The Viewpoint shows the processors in the target system.


Viewpoint window

Viewpoint column (no heading). The first column contains radio buttons to select the current viewpoint. If a processor is unavailable for selection, the entire row, including the radio button, is grayed out.

Name column. ย The name column displays the processor name. ย By default, SourcePoint names processors P0, P1, etc. ย Processor names can be changed in the Target Configuration dialog (Options | Target Configuration | Devices), or by using the vpalias command in the Command window.

Description column. The description column displays a description of the processor.

Status column. The status column displays processor status. The options are Running, Stopped or Sleeping. If a processor is currently stopped due to hitting a breakpoint, then its status is appended with "(hit breakpoint)". ย