Struggling with UEFI debug on Intel silicon?

The good news is that the EDK2 software distribution continues to grow, adding features to better support the community. The not-so-good news is that the complexity of the EFI code has grown to take advantage of silicon features until it now looks more like an operating system than a BIOS replacement. That can be problematic for software engineers during debug unless they have the right tools.

UEFI_Framework_Debugging_w250In response to this situation, we’ve improved our best-in-class EFI debugger, SourcePointâ„¢, to ease the debug burden by enhancing EFI navigation and debug.  Whether you are debugging the SEC, PEIM, DXE, HOBS or BDS, you need a tool to help navigate the dynamic structure of the code as modules are loaded. Knowing when a module is compressed in ROM or available to debug in RAM is a critical capability in symbolic debugging, especially when you didn’t write the code. Much of the debug effort comes down to integrating the modules you wrote within the UEFI distribution. To help, SourcePoint supports all EFI symbolic debugging. Another critical function that SourcePoint features is its ability to load a single driver or execute to the next driver. You’ll find out that you need these and many other SourcePoint features if you want to shorten debug time and get the product to market sooner.

We’ve just posted an updated eBook on the value of SourcePoint’s advanced features for UEFI debug. Check it out and stop struggling.