Boundary-Scan Test Using ScanWorks with Teradyne’s High Speed Subsystem

The Teradyne PXI Express-based High Speed Subsystem (HSSub) addresses defense and aerospace ATE requirements that are common to most recent designs:

• Buses with increasing speeds and protocol complexity
• Increasing data handling and processing demands
• Need for lower latency interactions with the unit under test
• Integrated support of the latest buses as well as legacy interfaces

Bst-using-scanworks-with-hssub-application-noteWith the integration of ScanWorks® for Boundary-Scan Test into this powerful platform, UUT diagnostic test capabilities can be dramatically increased while reducing test cost and test times significantly over the entire life cycle of the product.

Do you want to learn what it takes to integrate ScanWorks Boundary-Scan Test on the HSSub? Do you want to learn how integrating the structural testing and programming capabilities provided by ScanWorks and the functional test capabilities of the HSSub provide a complete UUT test coverage solution?

We recently published a new Application eBook that describes the ScanWorks and HSSub integration and how this powerful combination creates a seamless test environment.

Check out this Application eBook, “Boundary Scan Test Using ScanWorks with Teradyne’s High Speed Subsystem (HSSub)”.