Five Reasons Why You Should Consider ASSET’s Managed Services

Leveraging Boundary Scan throughout a product’s life cycle provides a great return on investment (ROI). However, a successful product deployment utilizing boundary scan technology requires knowledge, expertise, and planning. Introducing ASSET’s Managed Services.

Let’s explore five reasons why your company should consider ASSET’s Managed Services:

Business Affordable: In today’s business environment, companies are scrutinizing their costs. When you consider the average cost of hiring a full-time Boundary Scan engineer, with salary and benefits, ASSET’s Managed Services are a budget-friendly alternative. A yearly ASSET Managed Service costs less than hiring a full-time Boundary Scan engineer.

Predictable Cost: ASSET’s Managed Services are based on an annual support partnership agreement. The agreement cost can be paid upfront or budgeted over a 12-month period.

Increased Productivity: As we know, it takes time to get up to speed on Boundary Scan. Why wait until the engineer is completely trained? With Managed Services, your engineers have access to experienced ASSET engineers immediately. Your engineers learn from ASSET experts who assist with implementing Boundary Scan on your boards and integrating the technology into your processes. Your company realizes the immediate benefits of Boundary Scan now and into the future.

Increased Utilization: ASSET engineers guide you on how to utilize your ScanWorks license to its maximum potential. Why just use ScanWorks for interconnect testing to identify shorts and opens when ScanWorks can do so much more? Our engineers can help you maximize your test coverage, such as on connector edge testing. Functional testing may be available through a component action. Expanding Boundary Scan coverage is a skill that takes time to learn. We show you how.

Access to Industry Experts: Since its inception, ASSET has had representation on multiple IEEE standards committees that have defined the evolution of the Boundary Scan/JTAG technology. Let us put our years of Boundary Scan knowledge and expertise to work for you. ASSET’s Managed Services help “good” Boundary Scan engineers become “great” Boundary Scan engineers.


What are ASSET Managed Services?

It’s a partnership solution for the whole product lifecycle. ASSET’s Managed Service assists you in maximizing your technical and financial returns by utilizing boundary scan technology and ScanWorks to design, validate, and debug your printed circuit boards.

Through ASSET Managed Services, we build a strategic partnership that will improve the overall testability of your current and future boundary scan projects.

Service Benefit
Consulting Continuous access to ASSET boundary scan experts with years of practical industry experience
Strategy Build an organizational approach to defining boundary scan requirements, verification goals, and planning new technology implementation
Design for Test Analyze board and system schematics for boundary scan coverage improvement opportunities coupled with guidance throughout the design process to mitigate boundary scan issues
Development Assist ScanWorks project development from structural testing, device programming, and complex device verification to increase overall test coverage
Deployment Guide best practices utilizing ScanWorks action sequences, API usage, contract manufacturer testing, fixturing, and test station integration

ASSET’s Managed Services solution bridges the boundary scan knowledge gap and is a valuable resource during all phases of a product’s lifecycle. This managed service solution is more than supplemental, periodic assistance. With ASSET Managed Services, we are an integral partner in your company’s boundary scan implementation processes. Let us put our knowledge and expertise to work for you.

Are you interested in what ASSET’s Managed Services can do for you and your organization? Contact your local salesperson today.