Category: Boundary Scan

Ever heard the old saw about the guy (gal) that โ€œwent to a fight and a hockey game broke outโ€? Iโ€™d characterize the ongoing debate on the value and longevity of In-Circuit Test (ICT) as a bit of a brawlโ€ฆ
Board bring up of an early prototype is one of the most important steps for a design team. The first boards must pass through a battery of tests to demonstrate that the hardware is rock-solid. Non-intrusive technologies can be used to accelerate this process.
Tired of that old bed-of-nails? Legacy In-Circuit Test (ICT) has been diminishing in value for a long time. Letโ€™s explore some of the current technical issues with ICT as test access on new circuit board designs continues to disappear.
Those of you with a telecom background are no doubt aware of the โ€œOSI Network Modelโ€, also known as the OSI pyramid or stack. It is a way of sub-dividing a communications system into smaller parts called layers. A layer is a collection of similar functions that provide services to the layer above it and receives services from the layer below it. A decade ago, the telecommunications test industry underwent a revolution when platforms emerged that could cover multiple layers of the OSI stack. Now, the same thing is happening in the circuit board test industry...
It is a well-known fact that manufacturing test strategies must involve a combination of inspection, structural, and functional test technologies in order to yield highest quality and minimize customer returns. But a new breed of non-intrusive, software-based technologies promises to disrupt legacy test solutions by guaranteeing the highest test coverage at the lowest cost. These technologies leverage off of the embedded instruments within silicon to achieve this goal in the following ways...
Because ASSET is a pioneer in the use of non-intrusive solutions for validation, test and debug (using what we call โ€œembedded instrumentationโ€), we often get asked if legacy testers like In-Circuit Test (ICT) machines can be used for the testing of high-speed I/O...
The new Intelยฎ Xeonยฎ Processor 7500 Series (codenamed Nehalem-EX) is truly a leap forward for Intel server technology and forms the foundation for high-end clusters and supercomputers for years to come. Read our free whitepaper that explains how to validate and test these advanced platforms...