Category: Embedded Diagnostics

The news is out! Intel today announced its Intel Xeon Processor Scalable Family, codenamed Purley or Skylake-EP. ASSET of course has supported this silicon since its earliest beginnings, with the SourcePoint and ScanWorks Embedded Diagnostics products. Read the full press release here: ASSET releases new benchtop and remote debugging applications for Intel Xeon Processor Scalable Family.
In two previous articles, I looked at the JTAG access port from a security perspective, and considered what exposure the choice of BMC operating system might have on a platform supporting At-Scale Debug. Now, letโ€™s consider the root of all trust, the silicon itself, and see what options exist for locking it down.
ASSET was recently awarded a multi-year contract for embedding boundary-scan test technology within a military system design. This meets a requirement of greater than 92% structural test diagnostic accuracy in-system, and will save millions of dollars over the lifespan of the system.
Security through obscurity is not a meaningful means to mitigate malevolent attacks. With the greater forensics capabilities offered by At-Scale Debug (ASD), how are platforms protected?
Now that At-Scale Debug (ASD) is becoming a de facto standard on Intel designs for the remote execution of CScripts, what other applications can take advantage of this technology?
I spent the past two days at the Open Compute Project (OCP) U.S. Summit 2017, in Santa Clara, California. The HUGE news is that Microsoft has ported Windows Server to ARMv8 chips from Qualcomm and Cavium (but, for now, only for use within Azure).