Category: Industry Insights

Windows 7 was End-of-Lifeโ€™d on January 14, 2020, and Microsoftโ€™s Extended Security Update (ESU) plan, available to select customers, ended on January 10, 2023. Without ongoing support, cybersecurity attacks on this older operating system are rising. Why is that, what vulnerabilities are these exposed to, and what are the mitigations employed by more current operating systems?
Currently with all the CHIPS Acts that have passed globally, the semiconductor industry has the money flowing; now we need to find and grow all the technical talent. An article just published (Taipei Times, July 26) based on a study by the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) and Oxford Economics states the US could be short 67,000 chip workers by 2030. Per the report, the US chip industry will grow to 460,000 workers, up from 340,000 today. Great news in terms of jobs and opportunities, but where will the technical talent come from is the next challenge.
As most of us know, football season began across America last month, with both college and the NFL seasons starting. With the recent moves by our Federal Government, it seems they have a bit of a football game strategy when it comes to the semiconductor market segment.