
Recently I read a posting from a well-known In-circuit Test (ICT) vendor defending the use of test pads on high-speed signals. I found this message to be rather amusing, since the prevailing wisdom is to avoid these to prevent signal integrity issues. The posting went something like this...
How do test engineers quantify the amount of test coverage they get on a particular board design? Is this science or black magic? I believe itโ€™s both. One scientific innovation Iโ€™ve seen recently is the adoption of PCOLA/SOQ/FAM by iNEMI. Yeah, I know thatโ€™s a lot of letters strung together, but hereโ€™s what it means...
When the subject of new standards comes up, the reaction of some may be a roll of the eyes and the question: Tell me again why we need another new standard? At least with two new IEEE standards, 1149.7 and P1687, itโ€™s clear that thereโ€™s tremendous value in the technology they enable. Still, there are some misconceptions afoot that ought to be dispelled...