Eliminate Production Programming Frustrations
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ASSET is a member of the Xilinx partner program, and one value ASSET provides is production test and programming solutions complementing Xilinx tools and supporting Xilinx silicon. As part of the partnership, we jointly support customers, so they are successful. As part of that activity, ASSET have noticed many customers posting on the Xilinx support community struggles they are having trying to use Vivado/SDK/Platform Cable for production in-system programming. Xilinx clearly states those products are not intended for production use.
Due to seeing this issue again and again on the Xilinx community, ASSET was motivated to understand the challenges engineers were having and show a better way to solve the issue. This eBook discusses the challenges and shows the better way to do in-system programming in production.
Key Points:
- QSPI-PS Programming
- QSPI-PL Programming
- SD Programming