Guide to Intel Debug and Trace – 2022 Edition

Updated for 2022 with new content on Architectural Event Trace (AET) and At-Speed Printf (ASPf), this eBook is full of helpful tips and techniques for both novice and experienced debug engineers. Itโ€™s a book youโ€™ll pull off the shelf time and again when those nasty bugs raise their heads.

Table of Contents

  • UEFI development
  • Possible Debug Use Cases and Features
  • Debug topologies vs chip type
  • Event Trace
  • Introduction to Trace Hub and its relation to Intel PT
  • How Trace Hub can shorten the time to find the really hard bugs
  • What it takes to use the Trace Hub
  • STM via Trace Hub overcomes performance issues of Printf techniques
  • Architectural Event Trace (AET)
  • Instruction Trace
  • How Intel Processor Trace compresses the information
  • Trace features used by ASSET InterTechโ€™s SourcePoint tools
  • The older Intel Trace methods
  • Use Models and Advantages for High Speed Trace
  • How Trace can be displayed in modern tools like SourcePoint
  • Call Graph Display
  • Using the Statistics View to Tune Execution Times
  • Other Features of SourcePoint that Make Use of Trace
  • Debug Consent Considerations
  • The transition to DCI
Book cover image