Intel Trace Hub | Faster Software Debug | Finding Root Cause

Intelโ€™s Trace Hub has arrived in the nick of time for faster software debug. Code bases, including UEFI firmware, have gotten so large and so complex that just navigating through instruction trace data to find the root cause of a bug is close to impossible.

The new methods embedded in Trace Hub and enabled by sophisticated debug tools, like SourcePointยฎ, will navigate through multithreaded software running on multicore systems so that software development stays on schedule. And the product gets to market when itโ€™s supposed to. Nailing the real cause of a bug when itโ€™s in an unrelated thread running on another core is never simple, but Trace Hub makes it easier.


  • New trace debug methods
  • Find root causes faster
  • Navigate through instruction trace
  • Intel Processor Trace and Trace Hub

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