SourcePoint Intel Help

Table of Contents

Trace Display Settings

The Display button in the Trace window opens the Trace Display Settings dialog box. ย This dialog is used to configure the display format of the Trace window.


Disassembly section

Object code. When selected, adds object code bytes prior to the disassembled instruction display. ย The default is disabled.

Symbols. ย When selected, replaces numeric address operands with symbolic addresses in the disassembled instruction display. ย The default is disabled.

Pseudo-ops. ย Enables the display of pseudo-ops (e.g., far ptr, near ptr, byte ptr, etc.)

Instruction lines. ย Enables the display of disassembled instruction lines.

Data lines (Event trace only). ย Enables the display of data values for I/O and MSR events.

Label lines. ย Enables the display of informational lines (best if enabled).

Display Case. Options are Mixed, Upper, and Lower.

Radix Indicators. Options are Prefix, Suffix, and None.

Source Code section

These checkboxes control the display of source lines in the Trace view. ย 

Source lines. ย When selected, enables the display of source code in the Trace view. ย The default is disabled.

Line numbers. ย When selected, the line number of the source line is also displayed. ย The default is disabled.

Every instruction. ย When selected, source lines are displayed for every disassembled instruction rather than the first instruction of a group (the first instruction after a branch). ย The default is disabled.

Source Code File Information section

These controls allow the display of source file information corresponding to the disassembled trace data. ย 

Filename. ย When selected, the source filename is displayed. ย The default is disabled.

Path. ย When selected, the full path of the source filename is displayed. ย The default is disabled.

Line numbers. ย When selected, line numbers are displayed. ย The default is disabled.

Function. ย When selected, function names are displayed. ย The default is disabled.

Offset. ย When selected, function offsets are displayed. ย The default is disabled.

Every instruction. ย When selected, source file information is displayed for every line of disassembly. ย The default is disabled.

Timestamp Section

These controls allow you to configure timestamp display (BTS and Event trace only).

Delta. This option displays the time between cycles. ย 

Accumulate. This option displays the accumulated time from a given point (by default, the trigger location). ย This point can be changed by selecting zero timestamp in the Trace window menu.

Time Align with Other Views. ย This option enables multiple trace views to track each other. When a tracking Trace window is scrolled, all other tracking windows will automatically scroll to show the same area of trace. ย Timestamp data is used to perform the alignment. ย A common example is to have one Trace window display BTS trace and another Trace window display Event trace, and have them both set to track each other.

Colors. ย A shortcut to the Colors tab under Options | Preferences. ย This allows for changing the colors (including processor background colors) in the Trace view.